2024-2025 Academic Year Calendar:

FALL/WINTER SEMESTER:  August 18th - December 22nd, 2024; WINTER/SPRING SEMESTER:  January 12th - May 25th, 2025

Novice LOW class will meet Sundays at 10:00 a.m. EST (9:00 a.m. CST, 8:00 a.m. MST, 7:00 a.m. PST).  This is for students who completed the Alef Bet Bootcamp or tested out of it.  (Basic alef bet reading is required).

Novice MID class will meet Sundays at 11:00 a.m. EST (10:00 a.m. CST, 9:00 a.m. MST, 8:00 a.m. PST). 

Novice HIGH class will meet Sundays at 12:00 p.m. EST (11:00 a.m. CST, 10:00 a.m. MST, 9:00 a.m. PST). 

Intermediate Classes will meet Mondays at 10:00 pm EST

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novice level hebrew classes

Ulpan Or Program

Morah Makedah uses the Ulpan Or iHebrew curriculum, which is a fully equipped digital language immersion curriculum, designed to help students begin speaking Hebrew right away.

I. Absolute Beginner/Novice Low Class :

The Absolute Beginner Bootcamp (summer only) teaches the Alef Bet and Basic reading skills with some vocabulary for basic conversation.  Once students are able to read, we will move into the Novice Low curriculum in the fall.  The Novice Low Level is for those who read and write Hebrew but have low comprehension and/or cannot speak well or at all. 

Over the summer, students are encouraged to take the Alef Bet Bootcamp to learn basic reading skills. Once you pay your registration fee, you will have access to your digital books and can study before classes begin. You are also welcome to visit the Alef Bet Reading Bootcamp playlist on Youtube or the website of The Kefar).

The Novice Low curriculum encompasses the following content in an integrative and coherent way, which is used in an interactive way to allow students to make significant progress in Hebrew while enjoying the process. 

Novice Low Goals:

The objectives are to teach students:

  • Vocabulary – guide students to acquiring 350 new words, starting with pronouns and gradually building toward a conversation on day-to-day subjects.
  • Master foundational concepts and dialogues - acquaintances, family, traveling, food, directions.
  • Master Numbers between 1-100, Israeli money and coins
  • Build a grammar base - Combining 4 helping verbs (want, need, can, love) with infinitive verbs in the Pa’al (simple present tense) building (3 groups)

The Ulpan Or curriculum is based on a storyline that follows 2 characters, Orly (an Israeli student) and Yoel (an “Oleh Hadash”/new immigrant from Canada). Both lead the students from their random first meeting and throughout their growing knowledge of the Hebrew language, which grows as they experiment with different situations and places in Israel.

As a student makes his/her way through the book, the texts become longer and more complex and are based on grammatical structures that are learned alongside the text. All the units contain parts of Israeli songs, which enrich and well-suit the student’s Hebrew level.

Once students learn how to identify and read their alef bet, we will move into the Novice Low curriculum.   

The curriculum is divided into 10 units which build the different skills (listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing) layer by layer.

Click here to REGISTER NOW or continue reading about other Novice Mid and Novice High levels.

II. Novice Mid Class:

This level curriculum encompasses the following content in an integrative and coherent way, which is used in an interactive way to allow students to make significant progress in Hebrew while enjoying the process.

  1. 10 units from “Kita Alef” ebook
  2. Infinitives and present tense - Pa’al (3 groups)
  3. 10 Israeli songs

The curriculum is based on various humorous texts which depict people in funny or extreme situations. The student will meet family members, friends, teachers and students, principals and staff members. In addition, the student will encounter Inbar, who will appear in several units. Inbar will tell her story gradually throughout the books, thus allowing students to tell their own stories.

Novice Mid Goals:

To lead the student to the following achievements:

  1. Acquire an active vocabulary of 500 new words: pronouns, nouns, and adjectives- all related to core contents.
  2. Master foundational concepts and basic dialogs related to: Acquaintance, family, figures and characters, adjectives and history.
  3. Master Binyan Pa’al- infinitives and present tense.

The curriculum is divided into 10 units which build the different skills (listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing) layer by layer.  Must have completed Novice Low level or test out.

REGISTER NOW or continue reading.

III.  Novice High Class:

This curriculum encompasses the following content in an integrative and coherent way, which is used in an interactive way to allow students to make significant progress in Hebrew while enjoying the process.

  1. Ten units of text based on dialogues and situations between young teenagers
  2. Infinitives and present tense of 4 Binyanim (verb buildings): Piel, Hif’il, Hit’pael, Nifa’al
  3. Ten Israeli songs
  4. Ten E-Tone® articles/Virtual tours

The curriculum embarks on a journey following a boy and a girl who arrive in Israel for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah trip. Through their adventures, the student will learn a rich vocabulary and expressions that are relevant to everyday life in Israel. Seeing Israel through the videos which accompany the texts allows the student to learn basic grammar and structure while experiencing Israel in a fun way.

Novice High Goals:

To lead the student to the following accomplishments:

  1. Learn infinitives and present conjugations of 4 different Binyanim (verb buildings) and basic knowledge of time phrases.
  2. Speak freely in Hebrew while using everyday phrases.
  3. Experience Israeli culture via people, landscape and songs- all contribute to a rich learning experience.

The curriculum is divided into 10 units which build the different skills (listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing) layer by layer.  Must have completed the Novice Mid level or test out.

REGISTER NOW or continue reading.

Sample Video:

To watch a sample video of short clips from actual classes with Morah Makedah (beginner, novice and intermediate levels) watch this YOUTUBE VIDEO CLICK HERE. 

Program Demos:

To read more about the program or see demos on the Ulpan Or website, visit the link here.


Classes will be held on Zoom.  Because the Ulpan Or curriculum is an all inclusive Hebrew conversational program designed for independent or classroom study, students are able to prepare in advance for classes and in class the instructor will act as a coach.  For example, students will receive their assignments in advance, and will study the dialogue and vocabulary using the videos, flashcards and textbook exercises for the week daily.  By class time, the instructor will guide students in a fun and relaxed way in how to use the vocabulary in conversation.  Students will practice their dialogues with partners and will also play games, activities and sing songs in Hebrew.  Students will have time to prepare for conversation and activities a week ahead of time.  Each lesson introduces small chunks of new vocabulary and builds upon vocabulary learned in previous lessons. 


  • Each class is 1 instructional hour, which is 45 minutes.
  • The pacing can be 1-2 lessons per 45 minute session and depends upon the content and comfort level of the students.  
  • Each level has 10 units.  Our goal is to cover a unit or half a unit (depending on content) every month so that by the end of the semester or academic year students will have completed a half or whole level, depending on student comfortability.

For Intermediate Class info, click here.

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